Those of you who have visited before might have noticed that we now have a new look. I really didn’t want to part with the black theme, but with the feedback I have received from associates and a couple of site visitors, it seemed like a change was necessary. I am actually very happy with the result and will continue to tweak it as necessary. If you find any bugs please feel free to contact us.

In other news, the site has been online for a couple months now and things have actually been going fairly well. We have been receiving some traffic, certainly not major traffic, but for a brand new blog a substantial amount none the less. We even got linked to by a couple of small blogs. Really not a big deal for most sites, but when you are this small it is something of an accomplishment. If you like what you read here (or just like sharing) please share us on social media and social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon, or Delicious.

In the last month we have been pretty busy. We implemented SSL, we went live on social media, we now have a mailing list (see bottom of page). For me personally, I really have learned a lot so far, that was the point of starting this blog to begin with. As I learn and grow, the blog will grow with me. Some things I am working on are improving my writing, and increasing my knowledge of SEO.

I am still lacking focus as to where to take this project, so for the moment you can expect to just see ramblings and reviews, and the occasional tips and how to articles. At any rate, thank you to those who are reading this, and other stuff here, and hopefully it will only get better from here.