Like most of the internet, the majority of this website relies on Open Source software. So the least we can do is give a shout out to the Open Source projects that power our little endeavor.

Note: This is not an all-inclusive list by any means, there are literally thousands packages we depend on for our projects, and I will expand on this list when I have more time.

Ubuntu Linux

My Linux distribution of choice, powers 90% of my Linux servers and Linux workstation

The go to blogging platform for minor bloggers and large news organizations alike, very obviously powers the website.


Pre-Hypertext Processor or just PHP is the language that more than 80% of my projects are written in, also WordPress.

Open LightSpeed Server

OpenSource version of LightSpeed Webserver, helps serve up our pages fast, and isn’t too heavy on the resources.


Solid drop in replacement for MYSQL, that remains fully Open Source

Honorable Mentions:

These are Open Source projects we have used in the past, but no longer, or that don’t have a direct role in our current operations but still have an impact.


The webserver that powers millions of websites, including this one for many years. Very solid, we just moved on in favor of trying something else.


MySQL database server that powered this project for many years. Still runs some sub projects.